Sampling Desserts Together

Created by Sophia 10 months ago
Dorothy and I took a cruise together that stopped in Cozumel, Key West, and Miami. On the cruise, there was a formal evening dinner. I remember her not being able to decide which dessert to choose from the menu. I told her the story of my sister who had sampled every complimentary non-alcoholic beverage on the first flight we ever took together. We agreed sometimes you don't have to choose and you can have it all. She asked our waiter, Ketut, if we could one of every dessert on the menu. Amazingly, our waiter agreed to bring it all. She split them all with another friend. It was just one of those moments illustrating how sometimes when she decided to do something, she went all in. I, on the other hand, remember I wanted the molten chocolate lava cake, and only ate the molten chocolate lava cake.