Growing Up Together

Created by Jennifer 10 months ago

I've known Dorothy since we were very young. I honestly can't remember the first time we met or when we decided we would be friends, but she was always a constant in our younger years. Our parents went to church together and so, being the young children we were, we too attended church. We sat through many Sunday School lessons and children's worship time together. Growing up, the only time we saw each other was Sunday at church, but at that time in my life, Dorothy was among my closest friends.


As we entered middle school and high school, our lives got more busy and we didn't see each other as frequently. We would chat a bit on AIM, but school, sports, and other extra curricular activities often kept us busy and unable to talk. But when we did see each other, Dorothy was always loving, kind, and ready to chat about anything! It was like we had been in regular contact the whole time.


I remember that we both struggled to fit in with the other people at church growing up. I know it bothered Dorothy when we were younger, but as we got older, she let it go and I could tell in the way that she walked and talked that the opinion of others toward her didn't matter any more. I admired her strength in that because I was still struggling with coping with the feelings of being left out. Dorothy had gained a confidence I was seeking. 


I'm sad to say that after high school, we really didn't keep in touch. We chatted briefly several years ago, but have not since then. I wish I had been better about keeping in touch with people. It saddens my heart that we did not get to talk more recently. I thought about you often over the last year as I watched my son play and make friends in the same class as your nephew. I wish we had gotten to see each other and talk again. I'm sorry I missed my chance. 


You are loved, Dorothy, and you will be missed very much by many, many friends and family. <3